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Purple Line BRT Project

Design & Engineering

The METRO Purple Line completed 15% Concept Plans in support of the preparation of the Environmental Assessment. Each of the cities along the METRO Purple Line passed Resolutions of Support of the 15% Concept Plans in early 2020. The design was further refined to continue analysis for the Environmental Assessment.

A Ramsey County Rail Right-of-way Design Guide and a Visual Quality Manual have been prepared to guide the design and engineering in future phases of the project. 

Project Development and Engineering (2022-2023)

During the design and engineering of the METRO Purple Line project, staff will advance and refine the design concepts proposed in the Environmental Analysis Phase. At the conclusion of design and engineering work, the project will have the specifications and drawings that will guide construction.

Design concepts that are further studied and specified during design and engineering, include:

  • Vehicle and vehicle technology
  • Route and alignment
  • Station locations and amenities
  • Traffic
  • Park & Ride lots and layover or maintenance facilities
  • Landscaping
  • Drainage and Water Quality
  • Utilities
  • Bridges and tunnels
  • Transit service plans