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Purple Line BRT Project

Purple Line project committees

Purple Line project committees

Applications Open for 2022 Purple Line Community and Business Advisory Committee

Three committees will be formed to advise the project: the Corridor Management Committee, the Community and Business Advisory Committee, the and the Technical Advisory Committee. Meeting agendas and materials will be available in the Project Library.

Corridor Management Committee (Purple Line)

The Corridor Management Committee (CMC) will include elected officials and community leaders who are appointed by the Chair of the Metropolitan Council to advise the Metropolitan Council and Ramsey County on the design and construction of the Purple Line. The CMC will use technical, community and business input to leverage opportunities and address issues throughout each stage of the proposed project including preliminary design, final design and construction.

The CMC will meet quarterly. All CMC meetings will be open to the public. Agenda will be posted to the website before each meeting and meeting minutes will be posted following the CMC meeting.

Please note due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, all meetings will be held remotely until further notice. To receive the Webex meeting link and dial-in information, please contact Liz Jones at: or 612-257-5322

2022 meetings and materials

When available.

Community and Business Advisory Committee

The Community and Business Advisory Committee (CBAC) will be comprised of local residents and businesses representatives along the Purple Line to advise the Metropolitan Council on how stations can best serve the neighborhoods and businesses where they are located. The committee will provide the community perspective on the overall project design. Participation on the committee will extend through the duration of the project. The committee will be led by co-chairs, one resident and one business community representative. CBAC members will be selected through an application process and represent community and business perspectives at each of the project's station areas.

Please note due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, all meetings will be held remotely until further notice. To receive the Webex meeting link and dial-in information, please contact Liz Jones at: or 612-257-5322

Applications open for 2022 Purple Line Community and Business Advisory Committee

To apply to serve on the committee, complete an online form or download an application form. Submit applications, request a mailed paper copy and direct any questions to Purple Line Community Outreach and Engagement Lead, Liz Jones at or 651-602-1977. Applications are due by April 22.
Committee members are selected by elected and appointed officials from along the Purple Line corridor. There will be approximately four – six meetings per year at a time that works best for most participants, with opportunities for additional neighborhood-specific involvement. The first committee meeting is expected to be held in June 2022.


2022 meetings and materials

When available.

Technical Advisory Committee

The Technical Advisory Committee will be formed in Spring of 2022 and will convene monthly to advise the Purple Line Project team and Corridor Management Committee from a technical perspective. Staff will include planners and engineers from public agencies involved in planning the Purple Line project.

The TAC will include staff representatives from:

  • Metro Transit
  • Minnesota Department of Transportation
  • Ramsey County
  • Ramsey County Public Works
  • Ramsey County Community Economic Development
  • Ramsey County Parks and Recreation
  • City of St. Paul
  • City of Maplewood
  • City of Vadnais Heights
  • White Bear Township
  • City of White Bear Lake
  • Capitol Area Architecture and Planning Board