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E Line Project

Planning phase engagement

In fall 2021, we engaged riders and community members and asked for feedback on the Draft Corridor Plan. A public comment period was held from September 20 – October 31. We received 561 individual survey responses and emails providing feedback on the draft corridor plan. 

We have made several revisions to the updated Recommended Corridor Plan based on feedback received on the draft plan. A summary of the feedback received is available in the Recommended Corridor Plan.

We are seeking your feedback on the Recommended Corridor Plan. Please explore the plan and provide comments on future E Line station locations by April 8. 

After collecting feedback on the recommended plan, we will present the Final Corridor Plan, including any additional changes, to the Metropolitan Council for approval this spring. Once the plan is approved, station locations will be finalized and more detailed engineering will begin. 

E Line planning began in 2018 with the E Line Corridor Study. The study evaluated corridor alignment and terminal location alternatives and recommended the final E Line alignment, adopted by the Metropolitan Council in January 2020. Public engagement, including open houses, community meetings, and surveys, informed the recommendation for the final alignment.

Following the completion of the 2018 study, planning work began to refine and review early station location recommendations and work through specific planning issues. The corridor plan was developed by Metro Transit staff throughout 2020 and 2021 with input and feedback received from a Technical Advisory Committee and through community outreach and engagement activities.

Here are ways you can learn more and participate:  



Project fact sheets are available in Spanish, Somali, and Hmong. If you need materials in a different format or additional languages, please contact