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April 8, 2015

Sustainable transportation leaders recognized at Commuter Choice Awards

Employers, organizations and individuals that have shown a commitment to sustainable transportation were recognized by Metro Transit and its partner organizations at the 2015 Commuter Choice Awards.

The annual awards were presented by Metro Transit along with the region’s Transportation Management Organizations (TMOs) – Commuter ServicesAnoka County Commute SolutionsMinneapolis Commuter Connection and St. Paul Smart Trips – at the Union Depot on Wednesday, April 8.

A panel of Twin Cities transportation experts evaluated nominations in selecting the winners. The following awards were presented:

Building Owner/Management Company: Base Management

Base Management has installed state-of-the-art multi-modal commuter facilities and hosted frequent commuter information fairs at Marquette Plaza in downtown Minneapolis. More than 60 percent of employees now commute sustainably on a regular basis.

Honorable Mention: Bang Brewing

Employer: Barr Engineering Co.

Barr Engineering Co. created its own Commuter Challenge, bringing together novice, casual, and avid sustainable commuters from departments across the company. Employees also have access to carpool and bicycle commuting resources and other incentives to try something other than driving alone to work. 

Honorable Mention: Hennepin County Medical Center

Governmental Entity: City of St. Paul

The City of St. Paul embarked upon a number of sustainable transportation initiatives in the last year, including the development of its first comprehensive bicycle plan, expansion of car-sharing options and providing young people transit passes during their first month of summer employment.

Honorable Mention: St. Paul Public Housing Authority

Organization: Winner: Minnesota Life College

Richfield-based Minnesota Life College helps young adults affected by the autism spectrum and other learning difference become successful, independent members of their communities. Part of this training includes extensive experience navigating the regional transit system and accessing other sustainable transportation alternatives.

Honorable Mention: Summit Hill Association – Pedestrian Safety and Traffic Committee

Individual: Winner: Alicia Johnson, Macalester College

Macalester College professor Alicia Johnson turned a freshman statistics class into a lesson in transit use. Students were given a semester-long assignment to design, distribute and evaluate the results of a college-wide survey about travel behavior and choices; the topic was made more personal through a special transit tour of the area around campus.

Honorable Mention: Yasmin Abdi

Metro Transit, a service of the Metropolitan Council, is the transportation resource for the Twin Cities, offering an integrated network of buses and trains as well as resources for those who carpool, vanpool, walk, bike or telework.

Contact: Howie Padilla, Public Relations Manager, 612-349-7089 or