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D Line Project

Frequently Asked Questions

How much faster will bus rapid transit service be compared to Route 5?

A scheduled trip on Route 5 from Mall of America to Brooklyn Center Transit Center can take about 90 minutes, depending on time of day. The goal of the METRO D Line is to make service 20-25% faster by stopping less often, allowing customers to board faster and stopping at fewer red lights.  


How frequent and what hours will the D Line and Route 5 run?

  • The D Line will become the main service along the corridor, with service about every 10 minutes on larger buses throughout most of the day. Route 5 is planned to operate about every 30 minutes in most of the corridor.
  • Both the D Line and Route 5 would run less frequently in the early morning and late at night.
  • Plans for changes to Route 5 and other local/limited-stop bus routes will be refined before service launches in late 2022. Metro Transit plans to begin planning and engagement around detailed service plans in early 2022.

Why was the Route 5 corridor selected for bus rapid transit service?

Route 5 is the busiest bus route in the Twin Cities. In 2019, it served approximately 15,000 passengers per weekday. 

What will D Line buses look like?

An image of a METRO BRT bus in front of the Midtown Exchange building

The D Line will use recognizable 60-foot "articulated" buses with wider aisles, more seating capacity and additional doors so more people can get on and off easily. D Line customers should feel less crowded and more comfortable as they travel.


How will fares be collected on the D Line?

The D Line will have "off-board fare payment." Transit customers will buy their ticket or validate their pass at readers on the station platform rather than inside the bus. Customers will then be able to enter the bus through any door, speeding up the boarding process. Transit Police will enforce fare payment. 

How will the D Line affect vehicle and bicycle traffic? 

D Line buses will pull up to the station, allow customers to board and exit the bus, and then will pull away. In some parts of the corridor, there are bike lanes on the street. While a bus is stopped, it will occupy the bike lane or lane of traffic for 10-15 seconds.  The D Line will not stop at the station if there are no customers waiting at the stop or exiting the bus.


What features will D Line stations include?

An image of a METRO BRT station with all elements labeled

B Line station features include:

  • Real-time NexTrip signs with on-demand audible announcements   
  • Shelter lighting 
  • Push-button heating
  • Containers for garbage and recycling
  • Security cameras 
  • Emergency telephones
  • Benches
  • Bike parking

How much will the D Line cost?

The total cost of the project is $75 million, including stations, fare collection, new buses, corridor technology, and the cost of designing and delivering the line. The D Line project is fully funded by a mix of federal, state and Metropolitan Council funds.