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B Line Project

What is the B Line?

The METRO B Line is a planned bus rapid transit (BRT) line that will provide faster and more reliable transit service in the Route 21 corridor along Lake Street, Marshall Avenue, and Selby Avenue. BRT is a package of transit enhancements that adds up to a faster trip and an improved experience on Metro Transit’s busiest bus routes. Watch a video about BRT service.

What’s in the Final Corridor Plan?

  • BRT station facilities and service characteristics 

  • B Line routing and stops 

  • Updates to the Recommended Corridor Plan based on feedback from project partners and community members: 

    • Metro Transit, Hennepin County, and the City of Minneapolis are continuing to work together to address multiple goals for the Lake Street corridor, including transit speed and reliability, pedestrian and traffic safety, and general vehicle operations. It is anticipated that County-led advanced technical analysis will be completed by end of 2021 with additional public communication to follow. 

    • Once approved, this plan will set the locations for stations moving forward. 

    • Responses to site-specific comments received regarding platform placement, including issues to address throughout the detailed engineering phase. 

    • More on continued evaluation of bus lanes on Lake Street in partnership with Hennepin County and the City of Minneapolis. Approval of this plan will not finalize decisions about bus lanes, but sets stations in the best locations to accommodate them.  

What are the next steps?

The Final Corridor Plan was approved by the Metropolitan Council on Wednesday, Oct. 13. The project will move into the design phase. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2023.

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