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Rider's Almanac Blog

How We Roll

How We Roll: John Dillery, Senior Planner

Posted by Drew Kerr | Tuesday, June 1, 2021 8:47:00 AM

Senior Planner John Dillery at a bus stop.

The lifting of COVID-19 restrictions is allowing more people to come back to transit, including Metro Transit employees. To celebrate and encourage the use of transit, we are inviting employees to talk about how and why they’re riding. 

For what reasons do you use transit? 

Before the pandemic, I rode five to six days a week, commuting daily to and from Heywood on Route 6. Since I’ve been working from home, I’ve ridden about once a week, primarily for non-work trips to go shopping or visit parks. As I gradually come back to the office, I’ll be commuting again on Route 6.   

What have you missed about regularly using transit during the pandemic? 

I feel more connected to the world when I ride the bus. I’m interested in what people are up to – what they’re reading, what they’re wearing, what they’re talking about – and I really miss being able to make those casual observations. Taking transit also gives me a chance to meditate, quiet down and not let my head race too much. It’s harder to carve out time for that when you’re not commuting 35 to 40 minutes. And, as a planner, it’s very important that I see how things are running, which is hard to do when you’re staying in a room in your house.   

How else do you like to get around? 

My wife and I share a leased vehicle and in the past have gone without a personal car, relying on carshare, transit, biking and walking. Today, I’ll walk or bike to the grocery store or other neighborhood destinations. When I come back to the office, I’ll use fleet cars to get places during the day if that’s the option that makes the most sense. 

While walking and biking are good short-distance options for me, they can’t replace a bus or train. Transit is the best way to travel any distance while reducing impacts on our environment. Transit will help save the planet.