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Rider's Almanac Blog

How We Roll

How We Roll: David Feldmann

Posted by John Komarek | Monday, July 20, 2020 9:23:00 AM

Many Metro Transit employees must continue to report to work in order to perform their duties. Among them is bus operator David Feldmann, a St. Louis, Mo., transplant who rides the bus everywhere. Feldmann has been car-free for the last twenty years.​

How do you get to work normally? Has the pandemic changed it?

I started my bus operator training in March when the pandemic hit, but I thankfully was still able to take transit to work. Onboard, you notice that the buses are less full. During the service reductions, I always checked the schedule ahead of my trip.
For my commute, I take Route 4 to downtown Minneapolis. After that, I can pick multiple routes to take me to Heywood, and I never wait more than two minutes for the last leg of my journey. What's great is that I always have options.

What do you like about your commute?​

As a new bus operator, I pay particular attention to other operators transporting me. Recently, I noticed the skill and calm demeanor an operator who was faced with a challenge on route. As I was taking Route 18 home, the bus was unable to make the designated detour around Blaisdell and Lake Street. He pulled over and communicated with the passengers onboard about what was going on, spoke to the Transit Control Center (TCC) and we were back on track. I was so impressed, I had to send a commendation. I've since told him in person onboard how I appreciated his work.

How do you get around outside of your commute?​

I've been taking transit since I graduated high school in St. Louis, Mo. Six years ago, when I arrived in Minnesota, I continued to use transit as my sole mode of transportation. My girlfriend and I use transit to go everywhere in the city. We usually ride routes 4 and 23 to get to the grocery store or to go out. Right now, however, we don't travel as often as before.