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Rider's Almanac Blog

Rider Information

Avoid accidents after daylight savings day

Posted by John Komarek | Monday, October 29, 2018 10:12:00 AM

After we roll back the clock and there’s less daylight, we enter a period when data has shown an increase in pedestrian, bicycle, scooter and motor vehicle collisions. The simple equation looks like this:

Less daylight + end of workday + rush hour + failing to yield to right of way = increased accident incidents.

But, this doesn’t have to happen. Metro Transit works tirelessly to avoid being a part of this equation. And it's working: our accident rate is at its lowest level in nearly two decades.

We’re doing our part to alter this equation, and here’s how we do it:

 > Continuously scan the road and sidewalks ahead for pedestrians and bicyclists.

 > Drive defensively, assume someone might make a bad decision.

 > Make eye contact with crossing pedestrians, bicyclists, and scooters. Use horn when necessary.

 > Stop for crossing pedestrians at every intersection and marked crosswalk, even those without crosswalks or stoplights.

 > Do not block crosswalks while stopped, and don’t pass other vehicles stopped for pedestrians.

 > Stop far enough back so drivers in other lanes can also see a crossing pedestrian.

 > Before making a turn, look in all directions.

 > Look carefully behind your vehicle before backing up.

 > Watch for people in wheelchairs and motorized carts.

 > Take extreme caution near bus stops where pedestrians and bicyclists approach to board.

 > Take extreme caution with left turns

Here’s what you can do: 

 > Commute slower and more cautiously during winter.

 > Heighten your attention, especially during peak driving period.

 > Don’t rush out of work on Friday. Take your time, you’ll get where you’re going.

 > Continuously scan for approaching vehicles, bikes, and pedestrians.

 > Make eye contact with others when crossing or merging.

 > Get rid of distractions that impair your ability to focus, phones, music, etc.

 > Wear light colored clothing or reflective clothing.

 > Never make a right turn in from of a bus-this is a leading cause of on-board customer injuries.

 > Use caution when operating around a stuck bus.

We look forward to a safe and fun winter. Together, we can alter this equation.