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Rider's Almanac Blog

Posts in Category: Accessibility


New technology could expand transit access for blind, low-vision customers 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Tuesday, November 2, 2021 9:07:00 PM
Clockwise from left: Sheila Enerson using the Aira app during a recent trip on the METRO Green Line, a beacon being installed at the Raymond Avenue Station and a new tactile map at the Raymond Avenue Station. New technology could expand [...]

ADA anniversary an opportunity to reflect, build on accessibility improvements 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Friday, July 24, 2020 4:04:00 PM
From General Manager Wes Kooistra Thirty years ago this week, the federal government passed the Americans with Disabilities Act – landmark civil rights legislation aimed at ensuring people with disabilities do not face discrimination or [...]
Accessibility Bus From the GM

Accessibility improvements ensure system works for everyone 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Thursday, July 26, 2018 12:38:00 PM
From General Manager Brian Lamb As an organization, we talk a lot about how important transit is to providing access to opportunity. That’s particularly true for people with disabilities who rely on transit to live a full and independent [...]
Accessibility METRO Orange Line

Expanding access and accessibility on the Orange Line 

| Monday, January 30, 2017 10:39:00 AM
On Marq2, hundreds of buses pull quickly in and out of stops during the afternoon rush hour. At Interstate 35W and Lake Street, customers ascend a steep set of stairs to wait in what is essentially the freeway shoulder. And at the I-35W & 46th [...]