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Posts in Category: On the METRO

In the News METRO Blue Line On the METRO

Blue Line brings happiness to Hiawatha corridor 

| Tuesday, September 17, 2013 8:00:00 AM
Are people who live near the METRO Blue Line happier than those who live in areas without such ready access to light rail transit? In a word, yes. New research by University of Minnesota associate professor Jason Cao shows residents [...]
METRO Blue Line Minneapolis On the METRO

Supportive housing, supportive transit 

| Monday, September 9, 2013 1:51:00 PM
RS Eden’s new Emanuel Apartments in downtown Minneapolis has 101 units and 10,000 square feet of commercial space but not a single parking space. And that suits the people who live and work there just fine. Instead of driving to work, [...]
Northstar On the METRO

Star Tribune: Northstar line yields dividends 

| Thursday, September 5, 2013 1:00:00 PM
The Northstar Commuter Rail line isn’t just attracting more commuters this year. The 40-mile line between Big Lake and downtown Minneapolis is also drawing more private development, with apartments and businesses being built near several stations [...]
Bus In the News Light Rail METRO Green Line On the METRO St. Paul Transit Improvements

St. Paul connections go every direction, including up 

| Thursday, August 29, 2013 1:12:00 PM
Construction on a new vertical connection between the METRO Green Line’s Central Station and the St. Paul Skyway is now underway. The connection was celebrated Wednesday morning in St. Paul as disability advocates and downtown business leaders [...]
METRO Blue Line Minneapolis On the METRO

Finding a home on the METRO Blue Line 

| Tuesday, August 20, 2013 11:45:00 AM
Rebecca Spartz wants to do her part for the environment and feel engaged in her community. So instead of driving to work alone, she likes to ride her bike, hop on the bus or take the METRO Blue Line to get to the office. Those alternatives [...]
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