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Posts in Category: Links of Interest

Links of Interest

Hopkins man finds big interest in small buses 

Posted by Lindsey Geyer | Thursday, December 9, 2021 8:18:00 PM
Transportation has always been a part of Wayne Wilson’s life. Growing up in Hopkins, he took the bus to clarinet lessons in Minneapolis. Later, he served as a school bus driver and created a computerized bus operations system. Neighbors have [...]
Bus Carpool Go Green Light Rail Links of Interest Rideshare

How transit helps clear the road 

| Friday, November 22, 2013 4:00:00 PM
Buses, trains and other modes of transit carry more people more efficiently – a point that was made vividly clear in an image that recently circulated on the Internet. The image sets side-by-side the amount of road space consumed by [...]
In the News Links of Interest

Millennials trending towards transit, technology 

| Friday, October 4, 2013 12:18:00 PM
Young Americans are turning to transit as a way to save money, connect with their communities, expand their workdays and reduce their environmental impact. Those are among the takeaways from a pair of new reports out this week from the [...]
Bus Go Green In the News Links of Interest

KFAI: Metro Transit's super-hybrid buses cleanest in the nation 

| Monday, September 16, 2013 11:00:00 AM
Metro Transit’s super-hybrid buses – dubbed the cleanest hybrid-electric buses in the United States – were recently featured in a KFAI radio segment. Introduced at the Minnesota State Fair in 2012, Metro Transit’s two Xcelsior buses are unique [...]
Bus Light Rail Links of Interest Transit Information Transit Planning

Apps put transit in the palm of your hand 

| Friday, June 7, 2013 4:04:00 PM
In addition to Metro Transit’s mobile website, the agency provides third-party developers the information they need to build apps that provide route and schedule information, frequently in real time. That trove of data comes primarily from The [...]